List of things Shockwave can turn into


As a flight-capable accessory-bot, Shockwave is in the unique position to be able to turn into far more items than most accessory-bots can, as most are A) Minicons, thus have less physical area to work with, and B) can’t fly.

IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER….save for the first one, since that’s his chosen default:

  1. RC toy gyrocoptor, controller included
  2. Plasma rifle
  3. a rather nice hard-sided designer totebag, now complete with butterfly-print “fabric” courtesy of his brother painting his wings.
  4. a rocking horse
  5. RC toy car, controller included
  6. Camera drone
  7. Two-bladed axe
  8. Complex combination of chronometer, datapad, and jointed full-arm gauntlet
  9. RC ‘dragon-dog’, controller included (has never used this one, but he DOES have the schematic)
  10. Lantern, complete with light-shield
  11. TOY sailboat, do not put in water, boat will panic as boat cannot swim
  12. Electron microscope
  13. High-powered scope for ground-mounted cannon
  14. mind-link datapad/chest armour combination (yes he basically becomes a jacket with a datapad built into it)
  15. Tricycle with stabilizing wings

Writing Prompts



Send a number from 1-114 to my ask. I must write a drabble (5 sentence minimum) that corresponds to the prompt under that number. Don’t like leaving things to chance? The entire prompt list is under the break.

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((Please guys. I need to burn some nervous energy. Please?))


One of my absolute FAVOURITE moments from our writing…since Op kissed Shockwave hard enough to take his breath and almost bruise his lips here.

And considering I’ve not drawn anything, much less ROBOTS, in almost nine months…I’m pretty happy with this for a sketch. Even if I still can’t draw Shockwave’s wings unfolded worth a damn.

I just woke myself up and had a panic attack thinking that I had given away my ration code for the week and gotten someone in trouble with the enforcers. They got shot. All because I didn’t transfer ownership of the code properly.

…I have got to remember that six and a half million years have passed since the Senate had ration enforcers and curfew police…and that there isn’t even a Senate any longer. I have been told, I need to remember.

Primus that…made me tired. It never happened. Transfering ownership was as easy as giving the code and deleting it from my ping file list…that simple. I didn’t need to panic like that. We aren’t even on rations now. There’s enough Energon to go around…and all our new food is flowing with it, too. What few of us are left have enough. No more rations. No more synthergon…

Now if I can…if I can just stop shaking so I can go back to sleep…

Please stop shaking…

Long Walk Home

“Are you sure you d-don’t mind me spending the night?” Shockwave looked up at Pax; what little he could see of him, anyway. His best friend was currently little more than a blur of colour that strained Shockwave’s eyes to try to see, though it was too much of a habit to try and seek Pax’s face out by this point to not try to look at him.

“Of course I don’t, Shockwave. I never will.” I couldn’t let you go back to your father right now anyway. It was left unsaid, but the gentleness in Pax’s voice, hiding equal amounts of concern and anger, spoke volumes. He didn’t need to say it. Shockwave already knew; had known from the moment Pax had reached to take his datapad, silencing his father’s attempts at calling him.

The young Senator lowered his head again, flinching as the movement brought pain with it, and quietly put his hand back against his jaw, hiding his face and trying to ease the deep ache there all at once. “…I just worry about in…inconveniencing you…”

“You needn’t. It’s not an inconvenience, Shockwave. Especially if it means you are safe tonight.”

There was that gentleness again. It was a valiant attempt at easing his mind, Shockwave knew. It really should; Pax was not one prone to lie…it just wasn’t working. His declaration of building the future school for Outliers and his father’s resultant rage had left Shockwave more than a little anxious, and Pax trying to ease his mind was only managing to divert the tide a little, not stem it.

Still, by this point, Shockwave would take what he could get. He was in pain, he could not see, and his nerves were shot to hell and back. Pax being gentle with him, holding his hand as he guided the two of them through the evening streets of Iacon to his flat, was far better than hiding in a study room at the library.

“Y-you know I’m safe,” he managed to murmur, his fingers tightening just slightly in the larger bot’s, still trying to come to grips with….all of today, really.

“Now that you’re coming home with me, yes, I know,” was Pax’s simple answer, and oddly enough, that did more to set Shockwave’s mind at ease than anything else. Something about his dear librarian’s confidence in bringing him home with him gave Shockwave a spark of peace. It quelled some of the anxiety roiling in his stomach, simultaneously calming a bit of his nausea…and making him all too aware of how much of a headache he had.

Well, he’d take the headache. Even if it made him flinch, made him feel as Pax turned toward him to study him a bit. Shockwave kept his head down, trying his best to watch where he was putting his feet, until the soft sound of Orion Pax’s sigh reached his ears, making his shoulders hunch a bit.

“Let’s get you home and get some ice on your jaw, dear, and let me take a look at your wings. You’ll be safe tonight, at least.”

“A-a-alright, Pax. …lead on, dearspark. …l-lead on.”

Birthday has come and gone, and I got a really cute carved…pumpkin? That is what they’re called, right? …out of it. On top of costumery. I-I  didn’t think being a ‘mad scientist’ would work, but it seemed to, really well? I-I mean, since we were on Earth and all…it was fun. I enjoyed it. I d-do like the fact that I was born on Earth’s Halloween holiday.